Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Quick Introduction

Hi there.  Since this is my first official blog post, I thought I'd introduce myself and tell you a little about why I'm here. My name is Vegas Firanelli, and I have just been hired by to report the news, updates and releases, as they come in.  

It's good to have a job in this economy.  Especially if you're a "virtual" girl trying to make it in the real world.  Usually it's the other way around.  

I'm still getting set up so bare with me.  I've had several photo shoots already.  A girl's gotta look good, so I've been shopping at all the best places in SL.  Armidi has become a personal favorite.  I love their website, it makes things so easy and the items are delivered directly, which is also a plus, especially when you're doing several things at once.

This photo was taken earlier today.  Helicopters are very quirky to try to stand next to.  A girl could lose a head if she's not careful.  That's about it for now, I'll be back soon though with more photos, and info so stay tuned!

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